Variable ExtPackageJsonConst

ExtPackageJson: ObjectSchema<{
    author: OptionalSchema<UnionSchema<[ObjectSchema<{
        email: StringSchema<"Email of the person">;
        name: StringSchema<"GitHub Username">;
        url: OptionalSchema<NullableSchema<StringSchema<"URL of the person">, never>, never>;
    }, undefined>, StringSchema<"GitHub Username">], undefined>, never>;
    contributors: OptionalSchema<ArraySchema<UnionSchema<[ObjectSchema<{
        email: StringSchema<"Email of the person">;
        name: StringSchema<"GitHub Username">;
        url: OptionalSchema<NullableSchema<StringSchema<(...)>, never>, never>;
    }, undefined>, StringSchema<"GitHub Username">], undefined>, "Contributors of the extension">, never>;
    files: ArraySchema<StringSchema<"Files to include in the extension. e.g. ['dist']">, undefined>;
    kunkun: ObjectSchema<{
        customUiCmds: ArraySchema<ObjectSchema<{
            cmds: ArraySchema<ObjectSchema<{
                type: UnionSchema<(...), (...)>;
                value: StringSchema<(...)>;
            }, undefined>, "Commands to trigger the UI">;
            description: OptionalSchema<NullableSchema<StringSchema<"Description of the Command">, "">, "">;
            devMain: StringSchema<"URL to load in development to support live reload, e.g. http://localhost:5173/">;
            dist: StringSchema<"Dist folder to load, e.g. dist, build, out">;
            icon: OptionalSchema<ObjectSchema<{
                type: EnumSchema<(...), (...)>;
                value: StringSchema<(...)>;
            }, undefined>, never>;
            main: StringSchema<"HTML file to load, e.g. dist/index.html">;
            name: StringSchema<"Name of the command">;
            platforms: OptionalSchema<NullableSchema<ArraySchema<EnumSchema<(...), (...)>, "Platforms available on. Leave empty for all platforms.">, OSPlatformEnum[]>, OSPlatformEnum[]>;
            window: OptionalSchema<NullableSchema<ObjectSchema<{
                alwaysOnBottom: ...;
                alwaysOnTop: ...;
                center: ...;
                closable: ...;
                contentProtected: ...;
                decorations: ...;
                focus: ...;
                fullscreen: ...;
                height: ...;
                hiddenTitle: ...;
                maxHeight: ...;
                maxWidth: ...;
                maximizable: ...;
                maximized: ...;
                minHeight: ...;
                minWidth: ...;
                minimizable: ...;
                parent: ...;
                resizable: ...;
                shadow: ...;
                skipTaskbar: ...;
                tabbingIdentifier: ...;
                title: ...;
                titleBarStyle: ...;
                transparent: ...;
                visible: ...;
                visibleOnAllWorkspaces: ...;
                width: ...;
                x: ...;
                y: ...;
            }, undefined>, never>, never>;
        }, undefined>, "Custom UI Commands">;
        demoImages: ArraySchema<StringSchema<"Demo images for the extension">, undefined>;
        icon: ObjectSchema<{
            type: EnumSchema<typeof IconEnum, undefined>;
            value: StringSchema<undefined>;
        }, undefined>;
        identifier: StringSchema<"Unique identifier for the extension, must be the same as extension folder name">;
        longDescription: StringSchema<"Long description of the extension (Will be displayed in store)">;
        name: StringSchema<"Name of the extension (Human Readable)">;
        permissions: ArraySchema<UnionSchema<[UnionSchema<[UnionSchema<[(...), (...), (...), (...), (...)], undefined>, UnionSchema<[(...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...)], undefined>, UnionSchema<[(...)], undefined>], undefined>, ObjectSchema<{
            allow: OptionalSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, never>;
            deny: OptionalSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, never>;
            permission: UnionSchema<[(...), (...), (...), (...)], undefined>;
        }, undefined>, ObjectSchema<{
            allow: OptionalSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, never>;
            deny: OptionalSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, never>;
            permission: UnionSchema<[(...), (...), (...)], undefined>;
        }, undefined>, ObjectSchema<{
            allow: OptionalSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, never>;
            deny: OptionalSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, never>;
            permission: UnionSchema<[(...), (...), (...), (...), (...)], undefined>;
        }, undefined>], undefined>, "Permissions Declared by the extension. e.g. clipboard-all. Not declared APIs will be blocked.">;
        shortDescription: StringSchema<"Description of the extension (Will be displayed in store)">;
        templateUiCmds: ArraySchema<ObjectSchema<{
            cmds: ArraySchema<ObjectSchema<{
                type: UnionSchema<(...), (...)>;
                value: StringSchema<(...)>;
            }, undefined>, undefined>;
            description: OptionalSchema<NullableSchema<StringSchema<"Description of the Command">, "">, "">;
            icon: OptionalSchema<ObjectSchema<{
                type: EnumSchema<(...), (...)>;
                value: StringSchema<(...)>;
            }, undefined>, never>;
            main: StringSchema<undefined>;
            name: StringSchema<undefined>;
            platforms: OptionalSchema<NullableSchema<ArraySchema<EnumSchema<(...), (...)>, "Platforms available on. Leave empty for all platforms.">, OSPlatformEnum[]>, OSPlatformEnum[]>;
            window: OptionalSchema<NullableSchema<ObjectSchema<{
                alwaysOnBottom: ...;
                alwaysOnTop: ...;
                center: ...;
                closable: ...;
                contentProtected: ...;
                decorations: ...;
                focus: ...;
                fullscreen: ...;
                height: ...;
                hiddenTitle: ...;
                maxHeight: ...;
                maxWidth: ...;
                maximizable: ...;
                maximized: ...;
                minHeight: ...;
                minWidth: ...;
                minimizable: ...;
                parent: ...;
                resizable: ...;
                shadow: ...;
                skipTaskbar: ...;
                tabbingIdentifier: ...;
                title: ...;
                titleBarStyle: ...;
                transparent: ...;
                visible: ...;
                visibleOnAllWorkspaces: ...;
                width: ...;
                x: ...;
                y: ...;
            }, undefined>, never>, never>;
        }, undefined>, "Template UI Commands">;
    }, undefined>;
    name: StringSchema<"Package name for the extension (just a regular npm package name)">;
    repository: OptionalSchema<UnionSchema<[StringSchema<"URL of the repository">, ObjectSchema<{
        directory: StringSchema<"Directory of the repository">;
        type: StringSchema<"Type of the repository">;
        url: StringSchema<"URL of the repository">;
    }, undefined>], undefined>, never>;
    version: StringSchema<"Version of the extension">;
}, undefined> = ...