Class RPCChannel<LocalAPI, RemoteAPI, Io>

A bidirectional Stdio IPC channel in RPC style. This allows 2 JS/TS processes to call each other's API like using libraries in RPC style, without needing to deal with argv, stdin, stdout directly.

Type Parameters

  • LocalAPI extends Record<string, any>
  • RemoteAPI extends Record<string, any>
  • Io extends IoInterface = IoInterface



  • Type Parameters

    • T extends string | number | symbol


    • method: T
    • args: any[]

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Free up the callback map and cache If you use callbacks a lot, you could get memory leak. e.g. If you use anonymous callback function in a 5000 iterations loop, you will get 5000 callbacks in cache. It's a better idea to free them.

    If you use a named callback function, there will be only one entry in the cache.

    Returns void