Variable ExtPackageJsonExtraConst

ExtPackageJsonExtra: ObjectSchema<
        author: OptionalSchema<
                            email: OptionalSchema<
                                NullableSchema<StringSchema<"Email of the person">, undefined>,
                            name: StringSchema<"GitHub Username">;
                            url: OptionalSchema<
                                NullableSchema<StringSchema<"URL of the person">, undefined>,
                    StringSchema<"GitHub Username">,
        contributors: OptionalSchema<
                                email: OptionalSchema<
                                    NullableSchema<StringSchema<(...)>, undefined>,
                                name: StringSchema<"GitHub Username">;
                                url: OptionalSchema<
                                    NullableSchema<StringSchema<(...)>, undefined>,
                        StringSchema<"GitHub Username">,
                "Contributors of the extension",
        dependencies: OptionalSchema<
        draft: OptionalSchema<
                "Whether the extension is a draft, draft will not be published",
        extFolderName: StringSchema<undefined>;
        extPath: StringSchema<undefined>;
        files: OptionalSchema<
                StringSchema<"Files to include in the extension. e.g. ['dist']">,
        kunkun: ObjectSchema<
                customUiCmds: OptionalSchema<
                                cmds: ArraySchema<
                                    ObjectSchema<{ type: ...; value: ... }, undefined>,
                                    "Commands to trigger the UI",
                                description: OptionalSchema<
                                    NullableSchema<StringSchema<(...)>, "">,
                                devMain: StringSchema<
                                    "URL to load in development to support live reload, e.g. http://localhost:5173/",
                                dist: StringSchema<"Dist folder to load, e.g. dist, build, out">;
                                icon: OptionalSchema<GenericSchema<schema.Icon>, undefined>;
                                main: StringSchema<"HTML file to load, e.g. dist/index.html">;
                                name: StringSchema<"Name of the command">;
                                platforms: OptionalSchema<
                                    NullableSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, (...)[]>,
                                type: OptionalSchema<
                                    EnumSchema<typeof CmdTypeEnum, undefined>,
                                window: OptionalSchema<
                                    NullableSchema<ObjectSchema<(...), (...)>, undefined>,
                        "Custom UI Commands",
                demoImages: ArraySchema<
                    StringSchema<"Demo images for the extension">,
                headlessCmds: OptionalSchema<
                                cmds: ArraySchema<
                                    ObjectSchema<{ type: ...; value: ... }, undefined>,
                                    "Commands to trigger the UI",
                                description: OptionalSchema<
                                    NullableSchema<StringSchema<(...)>, "">,
                                icon: OptionalSchema<GenericSchema<schema.Icon>, undefined>;
                                main: StringSchema<"HTML file to load, e.g. dist/index.html">;
                                name: StringSchema<"Name of the command">;
                                platforms: OptionalSchema<
                                    NullableSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, (...)[]>,
                                type: OptionalSchema<
                                    EnumSchema<typeof CmdTypeEnum, undefined>,
                        "Headless Commands",
                icon: GenericSchema<schema.Icon>;
                identifier: StringSchema<
                    "Unique identifier for the extension, must be the same as extension folder name",
                longDescription: StringSchema<
                    "Long description of the extension (Will be displayed in store)",
                name: StringSchema<"Name of the extension (Human Readable)">;
                permissions: ArraySchema<
                                    UnionSchema<[(...), (...)], undefined>,
                                        [(...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...)],
                                    UnionSchema<[(...)], undefined>,
                                    allow: OptionalSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, undefined>;
                                    deny: OptionalSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, undefined>;
                                    permission: UnionSchema<[(...), (...), (...), (...)], undefined>;
                                    allow: OptionalSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, undefined>;
                                    deny: OptionalSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, undefined>;
                                    permission: UnionSchema<[(...), (...), (...)], undefined>;
                                    allow: OptionalSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, undefined>;
                                    deny: OptionalSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, undefined>;
                                    permission: UnionSchema<
                                        [(...), (...), (...), (...), (...)],
                    "Permissions Declared by the extension. e.g. clipboard-all. Not declared APIs will be blocked.",
                shortDescription: StringSchema<
                    "Description of the extension (Will be displayed in store)",
                templateUiCmds: OptionalSchema<
                                cmds: ArraySchema<
                                    ObjectSchema<{ type: ...; value: ... }, undefined>,
                                    "Commands to trigger the UI",
                                description: OptionalSchema<
                                    NullableSchema<StringSchema<(...)>, "">,
                                icon: OptionalSchema<GenericSchema<schema.Icon>, undefined>;
                                main: StringSchema<"HTML file to load, e.g. dist/index.html">;
                                name: StringSchema<"Name of the command">;
                                platforms: OptionalSchema<
                                    NullableSchema<ArraySchema<(...), (...)>, (...)[]>,
                                type: OptionalSchema<
                                    EnumSchema<typeof CmdTypeEnum, undefined>,
                                window: OptionalSchema<
                                    NullableSchema<ObjectSchema<(...), (...)>, undefined>,
                        "Template UI Commands",
        license: UnionSchema<
                LiteralSchema<"AGPL-3.0-only", undefined>,
                LiteralSchema<"Apache-2.0", undefined>,
                LiteralSchema<"BSD-2-Clause", undefined>,
                LiteralSchema<"BSD-3-Clause", undefined>,
                LiteralSchema<"BSL-1.0", undefined>,
        name: StringSchema<
            "Package name for the extension (just a regular npm package name)",
        readme: OptionalSchema<
            StringSchema<"Custom path of the extension">,
        repository: OptionalSchema<
                    StringSchema<"URL of the repository">,
                            directory: OptionalSchema<
                                StringSchema<"Directory of the repository">,
                            type: StringSchema<"Type of the repository">;
                            url: StringSchema<"URL of the repository">;
        version: StringSchema<"Version of the extension">;
> = ...

Extra fields for ExtPackageJson e.g. path to the extension