Variable HeadlessCmdConst
HeadlessCmd: ObjectSchema< { cmds: ArraySchema< ObjectSchema< { type: UnionSchema< [ LiteralSchema<"text", undefined>, LiteralSchema<"regex", undefined>, ], undefined, >; value: StringSchema<undefined>; }, undefined, >, "Commands to trigger the UI", >; description: OptionalSchema< NullableSchema<StringSchema<"Description of the Command">, "">, "", >; icon: OptionalSchema<GenericSchema<schema.Icon>, undefined>; main: StringSchema<"HTML file to load, e.g. dist/index.html">; name: StringSchema<"Name of the command">; platforms: OptionalSchema< NullableSchema< ArraySchema< EnumSchema<typeof OSPlatformEnum, undefined>, "Platforms available on. Leave empty for all platforms.", >, OSPlatformEnum[], >, OSPlatformEnum[], >; type: OptionalSchema< EnumSchema<typeof CmdTypeEnum, undefined>, HeadlessWorker, >; }, undefined,> = ...